Great piece! I totally agree! It takes guts to put ourselves out in the world... Without vulnerability, we lose an opportunity for true connection. In a world full of generic AI generated content, copy/pasted templates, hooks and headlines, it's hard to take the risk of simply being ourselves... It's reassuring to know we are not alone in this pursuit! "To those in the arena getting our hands dirty! Daring greatly!" Thank you for sharing!

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Wow. I don't know if there is some AI gremlin in my computer messing with me, but just five minutes ago, I finished watching Brene Brown's TED Talk on vulnerability!!! Instead of a gremlin, I'd prefer to think of it as the Universe speaking to me and giving me some tailwinds towards courage! Thank you for this post!

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OMG! That's funny! I am always amazed by the serendipity (rather than gremlins or AI - when I open my phone and some one that I was just thinking about calls me!) I am huge proponent of courage! and the courage that it takes to write - some times is a scary process....and I love having supportive community to do that with!

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